Well, here I am finally!!! I know this is supposed to be a blog about Chaps Inn but I am going to digress ... I drove into my job at W.M. Creations in North Hollywood on Monday and back here Wednesday. What a difference with the weather (see previous blog). The journey usually takes 1hr 45mins more or less. Coming home it took 3 hours, the longest time in almost 10 years!! Not a bad record I suppose. An accident on the 10 freeway, of course! I went to Jack in the Box in Calimesa for something because I left without lunch, joined the freeway and was sailing along when suddenly a row of stop lights and all 3 lanes ground to a halt. Stop go stop go. The accident was at the Beaumont exit now 3 lanes down to 2. Police, fire, ambulance, you name it I'm sure the lifeguard was there somewhere! Once we got past the accident it was like a burst boil ... everybody now wanting to make up for lost time ... watch out, coming through, me first get out of my way! Madness!!!
Went for dinner at John and Angela's (J&A) Monday night the first after they returned from their Christmas break in England. Yumoh! Turkey lasagne. Tommy and Scott were there and we had a good laugh as always. Good company, good food, good conversation and a few glasses of wine. Who could ask for more.
OK and very briefly (I know how boring long blogs can be talking about burst boils) and if any of my Swedish friends read this, light switch, light switch! When Stuart and I lived in North Hollywood, 3 doors up the road lived a couple of guys, Gerry and Jerry. Turned out that Gerry was a masseur and Stuart and I would occasionally visit for a well earned massage. Suddenly their house was on the market, they sold it for a song (much to J&A's chagrin), and moved. We never knew where they moved to UNTIL I was browsing through the Frontiers magazine two weeks ago and I saw an add for a masseur in Studio City, called Gerry. Could it possibly be? What are the odds?No way! I called and it is the same Gerry! Wow, so I booked myself an appointment, 6pm Tuesday, $70 for an hour.He gave me 90 minutes! I will spare you all the details but he is as delightful as ever and has not lost his touch. Unfortunatley Jerry died last year from a heart attack. They had been together for 29 years.
So listen up gays!!! If you are ever in the San Fernando Valley and feel in need of a really good massage from a lovely bearded and handsome man, Gerry's the one for you. He is the only masseur I know who gets on the massage table with you!!!!!! I don't know how he does it but suddenly he's there!!Call me for details!!!!
Finally, this is Chub Fest weekend and we are filling up and today is only Thursday. People from French France and Montreal are here. I'll let you know how it goes!!