Despite cancellations, famine, floods and pestilence, not to mention the frogs and locusts dropping from the skies, we made it. That is to say, we equaled last years takings for the month. Congratulations to us. A great weekend but sorry to hear Todd and Chris had to leave early but we found someone to take their room. People in from GA, TX, FL, CA, CO and NY not to mention Austria (no, Not Arnie!). Some new boys which we hope will become regulars. A big welcome back to Joe and Al (and Rusty) from San Diego, Kevin, Robert, Pete and Santos, Daryl, Kevin, Frank and David. We spent a great afternoon with Shirley Bassey and the Pet Shop Boys!!!! Great to see Erich back from his and Dougs vacation to Turkey and Greece. We missed you!!
Camera is on the blink again so, no pictures. Sorry!!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
It's not all roses!!!!
If you book a room, SHOW UP or cancel. Seems simple enough but apparently not. We LOST 13 nights this week due to people not showing up. One couple (whom we know quiet well and consider them friends), forgot they had booked 10 nights with us. When I caught up with them, they were vacationing 'elsewhere' in the states, (not Palm Springs, I'm relieved to hear). Then there was the reservation for a definate 2 but possible 3 nights .. 'Oh, didn't we cancel?' NO YOU DID NOT!!
And whilst I'm at it here's another thing and this is directed at the locals who we allow to come in during the day, free of charge. DON'T STEAL OUR GUESTS. By that I mean saying to our guests, 'why don't you stay with me next time, I've got a spare room.' If we find out you did this, you will never be allowed back. Ever.
It's not all roses, just a few pricks .... I mean thorns now and again, but we love you all!!
And whilst I'm at it here's another thing and this is directed at the locals who we allow to come in during the day, free of charge. DON'T STEAL OUR GUESTS. By that I mean saying to our guests, 'why don't you stay with me next time, I've got a spare room.' If we find out you did this, you will never be allowed back. Ever.
It's not all roses, just a few pricks .... I mean thorns now and again, but we love you all!!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Tony Takes a Tanning!!!!
This was the sad and sorry goings on at Chaps Inn last Saturday afternoon! Oh well, he asked for it and as you all know, you don't have to ask Dennis twice! Any old port in a storm! For those interested, that's an English leather riding crop we found in the trash after some Hong Kong queens left for home. Couldn't let customs find THAT in their luggage!!!!
Today, Thursday, I had a visit from somebody we knew from our North Hollywood days ... SUPRISE!!! I don't like suprises, give me some warning, please (hint, hint). Stuart was away doing some grocery shopping so missed him. Never thought we would ever see this guy again after Stuart shouted at him for cancelling a room at short notice. He's the one who, several years ago gay pride weekend, he was going out in the evening wearing flip-flops and a terribly stained t-shirt full of holes down the front. I told him he was a disgrace to the gay community and he had to change else he couldn't come back here to stay. (Come to think of it, it WAS the last time he stayed, at least 6 years ago). He's the one to whom Paul said (one of Paul's better lines)"are those holes caused by the acid dripping from your tongue"!!!! How we laughed!!! He changed and ended up having an argument on Arenas Road and stomped on some guys foot with his size 12.1/2's. Good job he changed from the flip-flops. To this day he has never said thank you for the advice. Anyway, he's in town for the weekend staying at some god awful place and has promised to visit .. we look forward to the acid!!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Look at this new shiney thing!!!!
Woweeeee ... breaking news, this just in! Things are a bit desperate when we get excited about a new washing machine don'tcha think? Anyway, here it is, a front loading Maytag, state of the art etc, etc, etc. It doesn't do the ironing which is a shame as that would free up Stuart for several hours a week. It is our first front loader and Mabel is fascinated by it and spent a long time yesterday and today sitting in front of the machine watching the laundry go round and round. Much like I did in London when I got my first washing machine (which was a front loader and dryer combination) and also my friend Stefan when he was a boy in Sweden. We didn't need much to entertain us in those days.
Nice crowd in again this weekend although we are not full for the first weekend in over 2 months. The season is begining to wind down but we are full for Memorial Day.
People in from Hawaii, NV, FL, and good old CA and just now a walk in from la belle France! We're so International and will do our best for le entente cordial. More later, I'll let you know how the weekend goes!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
We Survived!!!!
We survived the blackout/power outage yesterday, of course. We decided to treat ourselves to dinner so we walked down to Trio before the lights went out. I have to tell you, Trio is much improved over our first visit.
So, back to the outage ... we got back from the restaurant around 8.30pm and the lights went out at 9.15. Suddenly we were plunged into total darkness, the stars were out in force. We were reconnected to the real world at 7.00am Wednesday morning. Now, my question is this Southern California Edison, why would you decide to black us out during our busiest 'high season' time? I know it was mid-week, well Tuesday and we only had one guest in and he had no problem with it but we could've lost 4 nights because of it. Would you have done this downtown and knocked out the Hyatt .. no wait, they would have theie own generators. Why not do it in the middle of July when we are all empty???? Duh.
So, back to the outage ... we got back from the restaurant around 8.30pm and the lights went out at 9.15. Suddenly we were plunged into total darkness, the stars were out in force. We were reconnected to the real world at 7.00am Wednesday morning. Now, my question is this Southern California Edison, why would you decide to black us out during our busiest 'high season' time? I know it was mid-week, well Tuesday and we only had one guest in and he had no problem with it but we could've lost 4 nights because of it. Would you have done this downtown and knocked out the Hyatt .. no wait, they would have theie own generators. Why not do it in the middle of July when we are all empty???? Duh.
Monday, May 3, 2010
We hit the press!!!!

Thanks once again for Erich and Doug's 30/60 party. We were a little suprised to find ourselves in Pulp Magazine this week 'around town' page 33. We don't get out much but when we do .... we get noticed!!!!
We survived the girls weekend and it was great. Suzi and Sarah, you are so much fun!! These girls know how to party. Same time next year.
Now we are entering a quiet period. We have one guest in until Friday (today's Monday) but tomorrow we have a power outage between 9pm and 8am. We did offer to find him an hotel with lights but he is quite content to stay here. We will be supplying flashlights (torches) extra batteries and those funny lights you press to make them light-up usually found in closets (wardrobes).
Enjoy your week!!!!
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