Wow, it was a wonderful weekend, old friends, new guests, one of those weekends where everyone had a great time. It was hot but why would I mention that .. it's July!!
The days all meld together .... Let me see ... oh, a kami kazi sparrow flew into the pool Saturday evening as we were sitting out cocktailing! He was chasing another sparrow (I guess it's mating season),they flew really low over the pool and flop ... bird in pool! That was a first!! Stuart went to the rescue and fished him out with the pool net. He survived, you'll be glad to hear. (The bird, I mean!).
What else, oh, July 4th fireworks ... great view from our balconey. I think eventually 12 of us were up there ooohing and aaahing and carrying on. Tony joined us of course. Visitors in from Ireland and all three western states, OR, WA and CA. The day visitors, Paul, Erich, Neil, Patrick and Gordie entertaining our guests. They know their job!
We couldn't make Mike and Johns party July 3rd sorry to say. Thanks to everyone for making it such a fun weekend. You all make it worthwhile owning an hotel and you know who you are ....
Next weekend is the Wet 'n Hot weekend. We are one of the 'overflow' hotels!!! Pardon the pun. I'll letcha know how it goes. After that ... nothing much until the middle of August with Dore Alley in between!!
50% full tonight, Tuesday. Wow!