Friday, February 4, 2011

Don't cry for us!!!!! (Agentina or anywhere!!).

LOL. I know the rest of the world is suffering with record rainfall, low temperatures, snow up the wazzu, winds, plague, pestilence, locusts and frogs falling from the sky but, here in sunny Southern California, to be precise, Palm Springs, we woke to a low at 7.00 this morning of exactly 32f, 0 centigrade on our thermometer. I rushed to grab the camera to take a picture of this momentous occasion. By the time I got back, the temp had risen by 1 1/2 degrees, so what was the point?! Just so you know, it was up in the mid 70's later and people were sunbathing NAKED around the pool!!! Rush and book your tickets NOW!!!!! This is the place to be.

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