Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Weather back to normal.

Here we are, weather back to normal. The humidity has gone and we are now at a respectable 12% and the temperature a comfortable 103f (39.4c). Pool is a perfect 89 and looks very inviting! Clear blue skies, not a breath of wind. Oh to be in Palm Springs now that summer is here!

Re previous blog .... we made a telephone complaint about inappropriate use of our Knox Box and guess what? Couldn't care less. As our dear friend DG said .... does having a key to a Knox box give them the right to enter any business at any time without permission?????  We will be bringing  this up with our elected representatives.

1 comment:

Chas said...

G,day boy's
Just to let both of you know I'm back home down under safe and sound. Thanks for a great stay, and making my stay at the Inn a home away from home and hope to be back soon.
Hugs Charles xx