Sunday, February 12, 2012

Mike & John

Our friends, Mike and John threw a very enjoyable 20th anniversary bash at their spacious Palm Springs estate last Friday night which we were lucky enough to be able to attend.  Copious quantities of cake and wine were consumed (rightly so). Some faces we recognised but couldn't put names to them, sorry guys if we appeared a bit blank!! Amongst the happy throng were spotted Don Thompson and Henry Jordan .. always a pleasure. Don was the very first San Francisco Leather Daddy - we hob-nob with only the best!! John entertained us with his organ (!) and a lively sing-along of Chitty Chitty Bang-Bang!!! Unfortunately we didn't get around to a rousing chourus of our favorite "Who put their overalls in Mrs Murphy's chowder!".

Thanks again, Mike and John. See, we are able to get out occasionally!!!

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