Friday, December 28, 2012

Weather lovely, wish you were here

Or another way ... Weather here, wish you were lovely!

Enjoying a typical December here in Palm Springs, suffering lows at night of 8c 44f. The pool is always  84f the spa 102f. What's not to love? Steam room set at 114f.

We are full tonight and tomorrow, return visitors from Hawaii, UK, Illinois, Phoenix AZ various places in CA, San Francisco, Glendale, Pacific Palisades. Of course at least 2 rooms without cars making us look not full.

It was madness at World Gym today .. I arrived around 10.30 this morning, took a tour of the parking lot and came home. Ridiculous. I went back just after 12 noon. Perfect! It will be worse next week with all the New Years Resolutionistas!!!

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