March seems to be going well. Jim has his room, Don has his ... I don't know about the others, probably room hopping as usual. 70% full on a Wednesday night ... WOW. . We have made plans to visit Mike and John next Wednesday .. you know, John the bon vivante!, Mike the maths Professor! They are a lot of fun. Their picture below. Bob Beck was over this afternoon to talk about a Sunday afternoon 'par'tey', we'll see how that pans out. This is all connected to the 15 Association weekend in August.
The phones for booking the Wet 'n Hot weekend opened at 8am Tuesday March 9th. Last year the phones started ringing at 5am. This year we were a bit wiser and disconnected the lines until exactly 8am. We did the count-down!! By 8.25, all rooms were filled. There were, of course, the usual annoying ones and the one's who hadn't read the rules like get your registration number first before calling. We didn't have the call this year from a certain someone who we know from our NoHo days who never stays with us when he visits Palm Springs but expects us to do him a favour with an advanced booking for wet 'n Hot. Sorry bitch, if you had only supported us when we did the Aids ride in 2000 we might've looked at you in a different light. I'm not one to bear a grudge!!!!
One other thing, it was my mum and dad's 60th wedding anniversary Feb 18th 2010 and it is my dads 82nd birthday March 11th and my mums 83rd march 31st. Here they all are at their 60th wedding anniversary party. Only one person missing .. ME! Actually that's only my brother and sister in the back .. others to follow.
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