There are so many things to report from the weekend, I don't know what to put in or leave out!!! First, a new photo for our rack cards x3 (see previous blog entry). A big thank you to Tracy T. for taking the picture!!!!!
Sunday afternoon we had an earthquake!! We were sitting outside, Stuart says 'we're having an earthquake' to which I replied, No, it's the wind ... NO, WAIT ... WE ARE HAVING AN EARTHQUAKE. No damage but it went on for 45 seconds which is a long time. The water was sloshing around the pool although we didn't loose any water. 7.2 centered near Mexicali which is on the Mexican side of the border opposite Calexico geddit? Some bright spark had a brain wave and named the two cities opposite each other across the border a play on Mexico and California. Clever, eh!! That took a lot of thinking about.
Soloman and Chris (Sodam and Gomorah) finally made an appearance over the weekend and it was a pleasure to see them. They're getting rather tired of Puerta Vallarta and the restaurant business so hopefully they'll be back here soon opening something fabulous in Palm Springs.. . we look forward to it. You have our full support as long as it doesn't involve money!
1 comment:
Stuart and Ian, Took me forever to find the blog, eventually I found it, obviously. As always we enjoyed another great time at Chaps Inn...even the earthquake! Hope to see you again in a few months. Nice picture, was that a professional photographer that took that? LOL
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