I discovered I went to school with a murderer and rapist, a one Paul Taylor whom I used to share a desk with in maths and history. He's one of the reasons I didn't do too well in maths .. too much of a diversion!!!! I always wondered what happened to him and now I know. It took 33 years to track him down after the murder and you can bet he thought he'd got away with it. Now I know what happened to him and where he is: incarcerated for the next 18+ years!!! At least 3 additional rapes and serioucharges of sexual assult and more women likely to step forward. Boy oh boy and him from a (I thought) respectable family! You never know. He should've stayed gay!!!!! Maybe that's the problem!
Things have been happening here - the place is a mess as I knew it would be. The pool and spa are empty, the major work on the decking is finished.
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