Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It's been a long time!!!!

It seems a long time since I posted anything on the blog but believe me, life has been anything but boring!!! Where were we .. oh yes Stuarts birthday passed by as birthdays usually do. Same time next year. Since then we have had visitors in from New Zealand, CA, NV, SC, TX, AK, FL, UT, the UK (no, NOT a state of the US!!!) and not forgetting the indomitable Bernie (Bernice) from Sydney. What a riot. He's what we call a 'sexual terrorist' meaning anyone's game! Eight days of havoc and mayhem not to mention cheap Aussie wine for lunch, (it's cheaper here than in Australia), gin and tonics and bacardi and cokes for evening cocktails. No wonder the brain cells are dying at a rapid rate!!
Coming soon .... 4th July celebrations. First we wern't having fireworks in Palm Springs, now we are thank to Mayor Pugenet and his rich friends. Why didn't he ask us, we would've throw in a couple of bucks!! We get a great view from the balconey so thanks Mayor!! Good luck for the upcoming fight agains Mary Mack or Mary Bono Mack as she calls herself these days. Next, the first two weekends are chocker block meaning FULL and then we close for 10 days for the pool to be resurfaced, retiled and brought up to code. Hopefully all the work will be completed before we disappear for Dore Alley at the end of July. Dennis and AJ will be staying here whilst we are away. Looking forward to getting out of the heat for a few days although we do love it.

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